Neurodiversity at TNO

TNO's neurodiversity community is dedicated to the diversity of the human brain and mind. Neurodiversity presents challenges for those it concerns, but we see it mainly as a variation in the way we think and work that adds a broad spectrum of valuable talents and qualities in our work at TNO. We believe it’s important that everyone feels free to do their job in the way that suits them best.

Goal and activities

We actively contribute to creating a working environment in which everyone feels at home, can function, and can develop as befits the way their diverse brains work. We organise activities to meet and share experiences and knowledge. We do this as a community and together with other TNO communities. We believe it’s important for our group to have an open character, which is why everyone is welcome.

We not only help and support each other but consciously seek out interaction with all colleagues. After all, collaboration isn’t just about what we think – the ideas, solutions, and opinions we offer – but also about how we think, recognising the different ways our brains process and convert information.