Annual Report 2023
From the founding of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, or TNO, in 1932, our objective was clear from the start: to make scientific knowledge suitable for use for companies and public authorities. In a changing world, our impact has continued to grow into a 'leading innovator' in the Netherlands and beyond. Read all about it in our annual report.
Read the Annual Report 2023
In our integrated annual report, you can read exactly what TNO did and achieved in 2023.
In 2023, technological developments are following one another in rapid succession. Just look at how AI and, for example, ChatGPT are becoming established, with a growing impact on our society. All these technologies have the potential to contribute to solutions for a safe, healthy, sustainable, and digital society.
We at TNO work to achieve this on a daily basis. Because innovation is what connects us. We are constantly searching for new solutions and we assist the Dutch government in formulating and implementing policies based on factual information and scientific insights. We do so together with numerous partners.
A good and competitive Dutch innovation climate
Innovations do not stop at national borders. This means that TNO needs to be well aware of what is happening around us and how we can respond to developments. A good and competitive Dutch innovation climate is essential for the overall wellbeing of our society. Of great importance here is increasing the cumulative innovation effort of the Netherlands to at least 3% of GDP. This is a rise of 30%, or more than €6 billion a year. As a key player in the Dutch innovation ecosystem, increasing the overall innovation effort is also a key objective for TNO.
Attractive employer
Last year, we were able to conclude that TNO is a healthy and fast-growing organisation. And we were shown to be an attractive employer. We attracted more than 740 employees in 2023, including from abroad. This makes our organisation even stronger, more diverse, and more inclusive. Further growth is also necessary to meet our objectives and make a sufficient contribution to strengthening Dutch society. To do this in a sustainable and responsible manner, we continue to work on strengthening the foundation of our corporate social responsibility.
Next year, we will focus even more strongly on areas in which we excel. Where we are a leading innovator – and where our contributions have the most impact. We do so based on a thorough understanding of market and societal needs in relation to the regional and global competitive environment. This will help us make an even greater impact in 2024.
On behalf of the Executive Board,
Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi
Chair and CEO
TNO in the media 2024
Check out the annual overview of the times TNO's work for society and the market has been highlighted.