The TNO code

TNO is a knowledge and innovation organisation with an excellent reputation. Our well over 3,400 employees use their knowledge, inspiration, and customer focus to find answers to the social challenges of our time. The TNO Code explains what we stand for and is a guideline for employees and executives.

Values in the TNO Code

Integrity, independence, professionalism, and social commitment are our core values. But customer and impact focus, innovation, connection, and inspiration are also so important to us in our daily operations that we have included them in the TNO Code (pdf). As far as scientific integrity is concerned, we have committed ourselves to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (NGWI). This NGWI sets out principles, standards, and institutional duties of care. The NGWI is referred to in the TNO Code.

What if something goes wrong

It could happen that something goes wrong. The Regulations governing the suspicion of wrongdoing (pdf, 286 kB) make it possible to report suspected wrongdoings. There is also an External complaints procedure (pdf, 102 kB). An overview of the difference between these regulations and the process of the Regulations governing the suspicion of wrongdoing can be found here (pdf, 326 kB).

A report under the Regulations governing the suspicion of wrongdoing can be reported to TNO to the Integrity Reporting Center, as well as to external bodies as mentioned in the abovementioned Regulations under 1.4. Reporting anonymously is also possible by TNO's central confidential counselor. Naturally, after making a report, protection of the reporting person against detriment is of great importance, so that there will not be adverse consequences for a reporting person.

Employees’ ancillary activities

We have adopted an ancillary activities policy which, after consent of the Works Council, has been incorporated in the TNO Terms and Conditions of Employment and which is also referred to in the TNO Code. The starting point of this policy is that ancillary activities must not be incompatible with the interests of the TNO organisation.

Reporting ancillary activities

Part of the ancillary activities policy is that employees must regularly report their ancillary activities through a TNO system, and that the manager(s) must grant permission for these requests, may impose further conditions or may withdraw previous permission. If the management does not agree or no longer agrees with the ancillary activity, a meeting is held with the employee concerned to find a solution to either terminate the ancillary activity or their work for TNO. The ancillary activities policy is regularly discussed between the manager and the employee.

We warmly welcome you to respond to our TNO Code.