Annelies Huygen

In my research into the organisation of the Dutch energy market, I combine technology, economy and law. In addition, I pay particular attention to innovation and the position of the consumer.
Professorship chair
Regulation of energy markets (University of Utrecht).
Research area
The energy transition is a major challenge. Everyone has to deal with it: the government, energy companies, the energy-intensive industry, other companies, NGOs and consumers. Their interests are great. Independent research is therefore important. In my research into the organisation of the Dutch energy market, I combine technology, economy and law. In addition, I pay particular attention to innovation and the position of the consumer.
Until some time ago, technology was central to the search for a sustainable society. My research shows that the social side is just as important. New technologies cannot simply enter the market: the legal system must allow this. I investigate the economic and legal design of energy markets in the Netherlands and abroad and I analyze which systems work and which do not. Based on this, I make proposals to improve the Dutch system, with extra attention to innovation and the possibilities to involve consumers in their own energy supply. The publications are in Dutch. That fits best with the subject (the Dutch legal system).
My research shows that the legal effect is essential, and that Dutch laws and regulations can be improved, not only from the point of view of innovation but also from the perspective of consumer protection. Like more TNO research, the research has direct implications for Dutch public debate and policy. That is why I focus on disseminating my research results to the government, energy companies and other companies, NGOs and consumers. I do this, for example, through TNO papers (the most recent, Nice and warm without natural gas, has been viewed more than 15,000 times and downloaded more than 2000 times), through media appearances, as an expert in the Lower House and by giving advice to all sorts of stakeholders about drafting legislation.
Den Haag - New Babylon
Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands