Antoine van der Heijden

Antoine van der Heijden

Senior Scientist at TNO and Professor at TU Delft
Antoine van der Heijden

The part-time chair focuses on innovative and intensified processing techniques that can be applied to modify, functionalize and process (energetic) materials.

Professorship chair

Functional design and processing of advanced materials (Delft University of Technology).

Research area

The part-time chair focuses on innovative and intensified processing techniques that can be applied to modify, functionalize and process (energetic) materials. Specific research topics comprise the development of encapsulated materials and alternative, ‘green’ and environmentally benign compounds replacing currently used toxic ingredients; sustainable synthesis routes avoiding the use of toxic or hazardous precursors; rheological behaviour of high solid load compositions during additive manufacturing; improvement of current processing techniques using innovative methods as well as process intensification concepts e.g. using external (electric, electromagnetic, acoustic) fields. These topics provide the fundamental input to several of the research topics within the Dept. Energetic Materials, like 3D-printing of (energetic) compositions, crystallization of insensitive energetic materials and environmentally benign synthesis routes.

Top publications

  • A.E.D.M. van der Heijden, Developments and challenges in the manufacturing, characterization and scale-up of energetic nanomaterials – a review, Chemical Engineering Journal 350 (2018) 939-948, 10.1016/j.cej.2018.06.051.
  • V. Korede, F. Marques Penha, V. de Munck, L. Stam, T. Dubbeldam, N. Nagalingam, M. Gutta, P. Cui, D. Irimia, A.E.D.M. van der Heijden, H.J.M. Kramer and H.B. Eral, Design and validation of a droplet-based microfluidic system to study non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation of potassium chloride solutions, Crystal Growth & Design 23 (2023) 6067-6080.
  • Peerbooms, T. Nadorp, A. van der Heijden and W.-P. Breugem, Interparticle friction in sheared dense suspensions: Comparison of the viscous and frictional rheology descriptions, J. Rheol. 68, 263-283 (2024);

Den Haag - Ypenburg

Ypenburgse Boslaan 2
2496 ZA The Hague
The Netherlands

Postal address

P.O. Box 480
2501 CL The Hague
The Netherlands