Arnout Mieremet


The central aspect of my research is to better understand the interactions between the human body and the microbiome. By developing and applying in vitro model systems, these interactions can be explored in high detail.

In 2014 I obtained a masters degree cum laude in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden university. Subsequently, I focused on studying the skin and the cardiovascular system during my PhD at the LACDR in collaboration with the LUMC (2014-2019) and as a postdoctoral researcher at Amsterdam UMC (2019-2023). During these trajectories, the main focus was on developing cellular models with the aim of mimicking biological processes as realistically as possible. Preclinical models offer the opportunity to measure interactions and test interventions outside the body, allowing obtainment of detailed and complementary information.

In 2023 I started at the microbiology and systems biology (MSB) department of TNO. My goal is to model the interactions between the human body and the microbiome accurately. In my research projects, the host-microbe interactions are investigated for the skin, the respiratory tract, and post-acute infection syndromes (PAIS) such as long-COVID and ME/CFS. The aim is to use advanced techniques that are of great value in the translational step from the lab to humans. An important future vision of these overarching domains is the development of personalized interventions based on data derived from preclinical models. Characteristic of the applied research project within these domain is the collaboration between TNO and partners from the academy and industry.


  • Mieremet, A., García, A. V., Boiten, W., Van Dijk, R., Gooris, G., Bouwstra, J. A., & Ghalbzouri, A. E. (2019). Human skin equivalents cultured under hypoxia display enhanced epidermal morphogenesis and lipid barrier formation. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
  • Mieremet, A., Rietveld, M., Van Dijk, R., Bouwstra, J. A., & Ghalbzouri, A. E. (2017). Recapitulation of native dermal tissue in a Full-Thickness human skin model using human collagens. Tissue Engineering Part A, 24(11–12), 873–881.
  • Scheithauer, T. P. M., Montijn, R. C., & Mieremet, A. (2024). Gut microbe–host interactions in post-COVID syndrome: a debilitating or restorative partnership? Gut Microbes, 16(1).
  • Yap, C., Mieremet, A., De Vries, C. J., Micha, D., & De Waard, V. (2021). Six shades of vascular smooth muscle cells illuminated by KLF4 (Krüppel-Like Factor 4). Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 41(11), 2693–2707.

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2333 BE Leiden
The Netherlands