Auke Kronemeijer

Research Manager Thin-film electronics

Auke Jisk Kronemeijer is experienced in shaping and managing collaborative R&D programmes in the field of flexible & large area electronics. He currently leads the Thin-film electronics research group at TNO in Holst Centre working on technological applications in the fields of energy storage and health.

He obtained a BSc in Chemistry (2004) and an MSc in Nanoscience (2006) and a PhD in Applied Physics on the topic Molecular and Organic Electronics (2011), all at the University of Groningen. Auke has contributed to more than 80 peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings to date.

Eindhoven - High Tech Campus 25

High Tech Campus 25
NL-5656 AE Eindhoven

Postal address

P.O. Box 6235
NL-5600 HE Eindhoven