Berend Vreugdenhil

I am the focal point for everything related to thermal conversion via gasification. I am interested in converting all kind of residues (biogenic, plastic or mixed) into useable product gas.
Through utilization of our extended R&D facilities we are capable of producing all kind of chemicals (BTX) and fuels. With gasification, cleaning and polishing we can make any type of syngas quality. Some great examples are methane from demolition wood, methanol from exhausted olive pomice and SAF from bagasse.
Contact me if you want to collaborate in the field of renewable fuels and/or chemicals.
Besides being the lead scientist in the field of sustainable fuels and chemicals, I am also Member of the Board for EERA Bioenergy JP. Here I advice the European Commission on R&D topics related to the field of bioenergy. Next to this I am also chairing IEA Bioenergy Task 33 on Gasification of biomass and waste and in this role I also represent the Netherlands.
Westerduinweg 3
1755 LE Petten
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 15
1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands