Casper Versteylen
Scientist Specialist

As part of the energy transition the maritime and offshore sector are looking for alternative fuels. TNO enables the transition by examining the safety aspects of these fuels. We examine the interaction of methanol, hydrogen, ammonia and CO2 with structures and structural materials.
Contact me if you want to know more about:
- Mechanical behaviour of metals under influence of extreme conditions
- High and low temperatures
- Hydrogen, or other corrosive environments
- Fluctuating loads
- High strain rates
- A combination of the above
- Nuclear technology and safety and the applicability in the maritime and offshore domain
- PMC Ship safety & reliability – proposition: Provide material compatibility assessment of new and existing materials in extreme conditions.
Delft - Molengraaffsingel (NEXT)
Molengraaffsingel 8
2629 JD Delft
The Netherlands