Cor Rops

Cor Rops graduated his studies Applied Physics in 1998 cum laude at the research group Fluid Mechanics at the TuDelft and started working for TNO early 1999. In 2004 he started in close collaboration with the TuDelft his PhD project on two phase flow and boiling at small structures, which he successfully finished in 2009. From this research he developed a method to realise stable flow boiling within microfluidic devices. After introduction in the high-tech industry, this method is now successfully applied in chip cooling for antenna arrays and power electronics for test equipment for electrical vehicles. Currently, other application areas are explored as well such as the data centre market and fuel cell industry.
Eindhoven - High Tech Campus 25
High Tech Campus 25
5656 AE Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 6235
5600 HE Eindhoven
The Netherlands