Cor Veenman

I am Cor Veenman, researcher in Trustworthy AI at TNO Data Science and at Leiden University in the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). My research focuses on enabling preconditions for AI systems regarding fairness, transparency, and user-centricity.
As lead scientist in the TNO-wide Appl.AI programme, I guide the development and implementation of the roadmap for Trustworthy Adaptive Decision Support Systems with the Flagship project FATE and associated use case projects. As scientific lead of the ICAI Lab AI4Oversight, I guide the development of fundamental research to make inspection practices more effective, efficient, fair, transparent, and human-centred.
My expertise lies in analysing issues where data-driven solutions can contribute to responsible solutions: from developing roadmaps to conducting fundamental algorithm research. Relevant application domains for me are those where societal interest is paramount. Making a difference in these domains, combined with the intellectual challenge, motivates me to bring out the best in myself and my environment.
Before joining TNO, I worked at the Netherlands Forensic Institute on research for the criminal justice chain and government parties with complex data-oriented issues.
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2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
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The Netherlands