Elisah van Kempen

My research focuses on assessing the requirements and associated impacts of integrating new technologies such as Automated Transport in daily logistics processes to contribute to safe, efficient and sustainable logistics. This research takes place in public-private partnerships including truck manufacturers, logistics service providers and policymakers. You can contact me if you are interested in participating.
I combine my position at TNO with a part time PhD at the Rotterdam School of Management under supervision of Prof dr. Rob Zuidwijk and dr. Merieke Stevens. I explore how the introduction of Automated road Transport might affect business models in the transport and logistics sector.
Recent publications:
Van Kempen, E., & van Meijeren, J. (2023). Mind the gap! Moving Connected Automated transport in the Netherlands forward for improving safety, efficiency, and sustainability in road transport. Vervoerslogistieke werkdagen 2023. Mechelen, Belgium.
Rondaij, A., Van Meijeren, J., Van Adrichem, M., Van Kempen, E., De Jong, B. (2023). Potential impact and challenges of logistics measures for improving sustainability on the Rotterdam-Venlo corridor. The Hague, TNO 2023 R11203
van Kempen, E. A., de Ruiter, J. M., Souman, J. J., van Ark, E. J., Deschie, N., Oudenes, L., ... & Janssen, R. (2021). Real-world impacts of truck driving with Adaptive Cruise Control on fuel consumption, driver behaviour and logistics-results from a hybrid field operational tests and naturalistic driving study in the Netherlands. The Hague: TNO 2021 R10516.
Quak, H., van Kempen, E. A., & de Vries, J. (2021). Towards a self-organizing logistics system: identifying the value of SOLs for different stakeholders and transition-phases. In 8th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC). Athens (online). Proceedings.
Den Haag - New Babylon
Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands