Erik Peeters

Erik Peeters is Director Operations of the unit ICT at TNO. The unit ICT provides applied research that enhances competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society to its stakeholders. Research areas of the unit ICT are: Data Science, Data Ecosystems, Future Networks and Services, Monitoring & Control Systems, Cyber Security & Robustness and Embedded Systems Innovations.
Erik Peeters focusses at TNO on innovation in and with ICT from an operational perspective, including such aspects as the workforce, the delivery to stakeholders, financials of the unit, quality and working conditions. He is business process owner of the project execution process of TNO and sits on the 3rd echelon LD committee. In his career he has obtained a broad overview of ICT for many application domains. Before taking up this position in 2018 he has held several management positions and TNO and has worked at KPN. He studied Computer Science at the University of Twente.
Den Haag - New Babylon
Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands