Esther van den Beuken

Esther is committed to accelerating the transition towards using circular plastics and has a clear vision on how to reach those goals. Her work on complex issues requires her to collaborate intensively with small and large companies across the whole value chain, as well as with national and European inter-branch organisations and government agencies.
During her 20-year career at TNO, Esther has often operated on the interface of public-private innovation and societal themes. As senior consultant, she initiates and sets up Dutch and European public-private partnerships and contributes to the system transition by connecting societal and technological innovations. A key strength of Esther is her ability to connect, using her skills and knowledge to set a dot on the horizon and outline the path to reach it, and motivate the right people to take up the tasks at hand.
Esther gives direction on circular plastics at a national level as Programme Manager for the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Circular Economy (KIA-CE) within the Top Sector Chemistry. She is also Secretary for the National Platform for Plastics Recycling and has seats on the Transition Agenda for Plastics and Plastic Pact NL. In the EU as well, Esther is highly regarded for her ideas on circularity. This is reflected in her posts as working group leader for the ECP4 Chemical Recycling Programme and as lead coordinator in the H2020 project PLAST2bCLEANED (recycling electronics plastics). Furthermore, Esther advises on strategic projects for inter-branch organisations and is participating member in the Circular Plastics Alliance and European Plastics Pact.
Princetonlaan 6
3584 CB Utrecht
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 80015
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands