Gerard Schepers

The research area of my lectorship is wind energy. The focus lies on technological aspects of wind energy, e.g. turbine technology and experimental techniques, as well as on social acceptance. These research areas are largely in line with those of the TNO unit Energy Transition, department Wind Energy. My lectorship at UAS Hanze is active since November 1, 2018. Prior to that, I was lector at UAS NHL in Leeuwarden since January 1, 2012.
Professorship chair
Windenergy (HanzeHogeschool, University of Applied Sciences)
Research area
Much attention of my lectorship is paid to education, this implies development of curricula but also contributions to studies on the Human Capital Agenda so that sufficient professionals can be delivered for the growing labour market. Important curricula to which my lectorship contribute are the European EUREC Master Renewable Energy and the minor Wind Energy.
We moreover work on small wind turbines (up to a power of 15 kW), off-shore wind energy (e.g. decommissioning) and social acceptance of wind turbines, An important highlight of my lectorship is the organization of the annual International Small Wind Turbine Contest which is held since 2013. Students from universities all over the world design and build a small wind turbine (maximum diameter of 1.6 meter) which is then tested in the Open Jet Tunnel of TUDelft.
Top publications
- Niels Adema, Menno Kloosterman, and Gerard Schepers Development of a Second Order Dynamic Stall Model Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/wes-2019-87, 2019
- Schepers, J.G. Pragmatic Models: BEM with Engineering Add-Ons, Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics, edited by Stoevesandt B, Schepers J.G., Fuglsang P and Yuping, S, Springer International Publishing, 2021,
ISBN="978-3-030-05455-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-05455-7_19-1, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05455-7_19-1
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1755 LE Petten
The Netherlands
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The Netherlands