Gerrit Muller

I am working in research and education of Systems architecting in close cooperation with industry.
Professorship chair
Systems engineering (University of South-Eastern Norway).
Research area
Within the broad field of systems engineering, my passion is systems architecting and conceptual modeling. Systems architecting entails the understanding of the context, e.g. what do customers need, where will the solution operate, and relating that to potential solution to guide development of such solution. The ultimate goal is to achieve solutions that are fit-for-purpose.
A main challenge for systems architecting is coping with complex problems in complex contexts, with developments created in complex organizations. On top of that, we have to cope with things we are uncertain about, do not know (unknowns), or that are ambiguous and fast changing.
Altogether we have a challenge to mentally cope with all these factors. The main instrument that architects use in coping with that is the use of conceptual models. Conceptual models are simplified representations of reality capturing crucial relations, functions and behavior. Conceptual models are a mix of diagrams, formulas, graphs, numbers, and other visualizations.
Proficient architects seem to create and use such models seemingly without effort. How can we help younger people to develop similar capabilities? Architecting is one of the core methodologies that enables ESI’s mission: “Provide leading edge methodologies to the Dutch high-tech industry to cope with the ever increasing complexity of their products in order to sustain and expand its world leading position”.
Top publications
- Cloutier, R., Muller, G.J., Verma, D., Nilchiani, R., Hole, E., and Bone, M., “The Concept of Reference Architectures” Journal of Systems Engineering, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages: 14-27, 2010
- Phaal, R., and Muller, G.J., “An architectural framework for roadmapping: Towards visual strategy”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 76, No. 1, p39-49, 2009
- Muller, G.J., “Systems Architecting: A Business Perspective”, book, CRC Press, 2011
Eindhoven - High Tech Campus 25
High Tech Campus 25
5656 AE Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 6235
5600 HE Eindhoven
The Netherlands