Irene Niks

‘I am conducting research on psychosocial workload and the mental health of employees.’
Irene Niks holds a PhD in occupational and organizational psychology, focusing on work stress interventions in healthcare. Since 2017, she has been working as a researcher at TNO Work Health Technology. Her area of expertise includes developing, implementing, and evaluating (organizational) interventions to promote the mental health and well-being of employees. Irene is also involved in developing innovative methods to measure and monitor psychosocial workload, (work) stress, and the well-being of employees.
Recent publications
Van Veen, M. & Niks, I. M. W. (2024). Generatieverschillen in werkgerelateerde behoeften, waarde van werk en mentale gezondheid. TNO: Leiden.
Bakhuys Roozeboom, M. C., Niks, I. M. W., van Zwieten, M. H. J., Wiezer, N. M., Boot, C. R. L., Schelvis, R. M. C. (2024). Process Evaluation of a Work Stress Prevention Approach in Primary Education: Exploring the Added Value of Real-Time Feedback During Implementation (pdf). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(9):p e397-e406.
Hoeberichts, K., Roke, Y., Niks, I., & Van Harten, P. N. (2024). The effect of the stress autism mate app on perceived stress, coping, and resilience in adults with autism: a single-case experimental design. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1347947.
Niks, I. M. W., Veldhuis, G. A., van Zwieten, M. H. J., Sluijs, T., Wiezer, N. M., & Wortelboer, H. M. (2022). Individual workplace well-being captured into a literature-and stakeholders-based causal loop diagram. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 8925.
Niks, I., De Jonge, J., Gevers, J., & Houtman, I. (2018). Work stress interventions in hospital care: Effectiveness of the DISCovery method. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(2), 332.
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2333 BE Leiden
The Netherlands