José Kerstholt

My research area is human decision making in the context of safety. A main finding in this field is that human decision making skills are far from optimal. Most of our decisions are made intuitively, based on incomplete knowledge, and with limited reflection. In our research we investigate these pitfalls and provide suggestions for procedures, decision support and training.
Professorship chair
Behavioural decision making (University of Twente).
Research area
In complex environments decisions are often not made individually, but in groups. In dealing with a crisis or in fighting organized crime, for example, several organizations need to make decisions collaboratively. Collaborative decision making is even more complex, as different goals, interests and knowledge need to be taken into account. Even though collaborations have the potential to lead to better decisions, this potential is often underused.
My ambition is to increase our understanding of mechanisms underlying human decision making, to make professionals and citizens more aware of decision biases and to increase accuracy through innovative decision support and technology. I specifically focus on collaboration in fighting organized crime and crisis management and on how decision making is affected by artificial intelligence. As such this ambition concurs with the TNO goal to increase societal safety.
Top publications
- Lam, J., Kop, N. & Kerstholt, J. (2023). The influence of case characteristics, attitude, and affect on citizens’ willingness to help search for a missing person. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-023-09587-1
- Kox, E. S., Siegling, L. B., & Kerstholt, J. H. (2022). Trust Development in Military and Civilian Human–Agent Teams: The Effect of Social-Cognitive Recovery Strategies. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-16.
Kampweg 55
3769 DE Soesterberg
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 23
3769 ZG Soesterberg
The Netherlands