Kirk Green

Hi, I’m Kirk Green
Facts about me:
- Education (1995 to 1999) and PhD (2002) from the University of Bristol (UK); academic expertise in dynamics
- Joined TNO in 2008 and leading the lab-based Naval Shock and Vibration testing since 2010
- Senior Consultant within TNO with business development role within Ship Vulnerability core team
- Point of contact for world-wide industry, shipyards and Navy end-users: developing the shock and vibration testing projects but also consultancy into understanding rules and requirements
- Particular research interest in understanding and developing resilient mounts
- Regular lecturer in TNO Resilient Ship Design course: “Mechanics and shock response of mass-spring systems” and “Shock specifications, laboratory tests & test methods”
Delft - Molengraaffsingel (NEXT)
Molengraaffsingel 8
2629 JD Delft
The Netherlands