Maaike Snelder

Principal Scientist

My research focuses on the development of models and tools to design resilient future mobility systems in such a way that cities and regions remain accessible and liveable.

Research area

This challenge is enormous because the current mobility system is running at its capacity; there is hardly any spare capacity. Small disruptions can therefore lead to large delays. If we don’t take action, this will happen more often with even greater impact. The number of car kilometers will increase as the number of inhabitants around cities increases and automation makes driving more attractive.

New mobility concepts like mobility as a service (MaaS), automated vehicles, shared vehicles and micro modalities offer opportunities because, if properly managed, they have the potential to increase capacity, offer alternatives, increase flexibility and reduce the number of vehicles and parking spaces required. Design and evaluation models are needed to provide insight into which measures can be taken to counteract negative effects and to stimulate positive effects.

Recent results

  • In the STAD research program and a project for the Province of North-Holland we have developed the New Mobility Modeller that has been used to explore the impacts of automated driving and car and ridesharing.
  • In collaboration with the municipality of Amsterdam we are developing the Urban Strategy Tool that can be used in interactive sessions for urban planning and design of the mobility system. Among others, it includes traffic and transport models, emission and noise models.
  • In Urban Tools Next were are developing and applying a next generation, activity based, traffic and transport models together with the municipalities of Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht, the province Utrecht and North-Brabant, the Metropolitan Regions Rotterdam-The Hague and Amsterdam, Rijkswaterstaat, KiM and CBS.
  • SUMMAlab (Smart Urban Mobility MetA Lab) supports cities to experiment with innovative solutions for passenger and freight transport using less vehicles to transport more people and higher freight volumes, using less space and with less emissions.

PhD supervision

  • Bahman Madadi (NWO)
  • Ali NadiNajafabadi (NWO, TKI Dinalog)
  • Salil Sharma (NWO, TKI Dinalog)
  • Han Zhou (NWO, TNO VP)
  • Koen de Clercq (NWO)

Top publications

  • Snelder, I. Wilmink, J. van der Gun, H.J. Bergveld, P. Hoseini, B. van Arem, “Mobility impacts of automated driving and shared mobility – explorative model and case study of the province of North-Holland”, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. vol. 19, n. 4, 2019,
  • Madadi, R. van Nes, M. Snelder, B. van Arem, “A bi-level model to optimize road networks for a mixture of manual and automated driving: an evolutionary local search algorithm. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering”, 35(1), pp. 80-96,
  • C. Calvert, G. Klunder, J. Steendijk, M. Snelder, “The impact and potential of cooperative and automated driving for intelligent traffic signal corridors: A field-operational-test and simulation experiment.”, Case Studies on Transport Policy,

Den Haag - New Babylon

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NL-2595 DA The Hague

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P.O. Box 96800
NL-2509 JE The Hague