Marleen Spiekman

You can contact me if you want to collaborate with TNO on the interface between building performance and user behavior. It is my ambition to get better performing buildings by combining these areas of knowledge, not just in theory but in practice where comfortable living and working go hand in hand with high energy quality.
I am one of the main authors of the Dutch National Standard on the Energy Performance of buildings for new and existing residential and non-residential buildings (NTA8800, and predecessors), and one of the main authors of the international ISO standard in the EPBD-CEN package on Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads (EN-ISO52016-1).
Key topics of my research focus on:
• Gaining insight into the behaviour of users in buildings and its effect on the performance of building and renovation concepts, as well as the effect of building and renovation concepts on behaviour and use.
• Model-based data analytics that form the core of data-driven optimisation of building and renovation concepts and form the link between the design and improvement of these concepts, the use of these concepts and the integral performance of these concepts in practice related to energy use, comfort and indoor air quality.
• The optimisation of building and renovation concepts in which insight into the interaction between use, behaviour and performance and the data-driven optimisation play a central role.
Recent publications:
• Methodology to develop interfaces to help office users better understand control strategies of climate systems. Spiekman, M., Duits, N. te, Lange, V., Jeurens, J. & Sluis-Thiescheffer, W. (2023). In: Schweiker, M., van Treeck, C., Müller, D., Fels, J., Kraus, T. , Pallubinsky, H. (Ed.), Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe, Aachen, Germany, p. 705-712
• Naar klimaatneutrale woongebouwen in 2050 (Towards climate neutral houses in 2050, in Dutch). Salet, W., Spiekman, M. Roels, S., Coppens, T. & Van Vaerenbergh, I. (2022). KVAB Thinkers’ Programme 2022. KVAB Standpunt 80. ISBN 978 90 656 921 60
• Effects of energy-efficient renovation concepts on occupant behaviour and hence building performance. Spiekman, M.E., Boess, S.U., Santin, O.G., Rovers, T.J.H., and Nelis, N.(2022) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 1085(1)
Delft - Molengraaffsingel (NEXT)
Molengraaffsingel 8
2629 JD Delft
The Netherlands