Max van Strien

“TNO supported me to take the next step in my career.”
Within the space of two years, Max van Strien evolved from Trainee to Deputy Research Manager. “At TNO, I have felt and experienced the support that made this step possible. I have learned even more about myself here.”
At the start of 2019, Max graduated in Aerospace Engineering from TU Delft. “All my life, I have had a passion for aerospace,” he recalls. During his graduation project, he modelled possible variations of the internal composition of Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s icy moons, and related this to the gravitational field of Ganymede. Satellites that are sent there in the future will be able to measure the gravitational field. This will immediately tell us something about how the inside of the moon looks. “But I noticed when graduating that something was missing, even though I didn’t know exactly what.”
Worthwhile experience
Looking for a position that would give him the space to broaden his horizons, Max spotted a vacancy for a traineeship at TNO. His mind was made up as soon as he had read the vacancy. “As a trainee, you work in different functions at TNO. In my case, that meant as Systems Engineer, Project Manager, and Business Developer, for example. On top of that, personal development was encouraged through coaching, peer reviews, and workshops. Those two years were a worthwhile experience.”
The road to Deputy
After his traineeship, Max spent an enjoyable year as a Project Manager at the Space Systems Engineering expertise group. It was at that time that the former Deputy Research Manager left. This position ties a lot of things together: working with people, offering them the tools for their own development, and working in a group towards a goal. “Thanks to the coaching, peer reviews, and conversations with colleagues during my traineeship, I have learned that these are exactly the thing I enjoy most. But was it the right moment to take this step?” “Despite my own limiting beliefs – that at 31, I would be too young and would first need more experience – I nonetheless applied. The reason I did so was the positive expressions of support I received from various quarters. Colleagues said I would be capable of taking on the role. My manager and recruitment also convinced me that my application would be taken seriously. That really gave me a boost and I am very thankful for that. This position is a perfect fit.”
Energised by people
After his successful application, Max participated in the Twister training course for new Research Managers. The course covered a range of subjects relating to department management and personal leadership. The coaching during his traineeship, in particular reflecting on his own past and actions, also comes in useful. “I have learned even more about myself in the past two years – for example, that personal conversations with people energise me. That includes the heavier conversations, such as those during the process of returning to work after an absence. I enjoy my function even more than I had anticipated.” However, things are not always plain sailing. In early 2023, when Max had been a Deputy for about six months, the Research Manager, with whom he had managed the department until then, takes on a new job within TNO. In the following six months, Max therefore temporarily assumed all management tasks. “The aerospace department is big – it has more than 70 people – with complex projects and expensive facilities. I worked hard during those months, but also learned a lot. I had to deal with all manner of things at once and some of these things I was doing for the first time, so I had more and more plates spinning at the same time while having to figure things out.”
A turbulent period
Max is keen to perform well for the sake of the group. “There came a time when my days were overflowing with appointments. My brain was running on overdrive, even when I wasn’t at work. With the support of the secretarial office, I consciously made fewer appointments and allowed myself more breathing space. It worked. I have learned to be more aware of my own limits.” During this time, too, Max felt supported. “The previous Research Manager was still around. His door was always open, and he proved to be a valuable safety net. Also, the team leaders in the department helped me by temporarily taking on some of my duties. That meant a lot to me.”
Grateful for the opportunities A new Research Manager has since been appointed, with whom Max works very closely. “I’m really pleased with how that’s going. Together, we have more time to manage the department, to facilitate and to support the people where necessary.”
Be open about your ambitions
What is Max’s advice to colleagues who, like him, are aiming to further develop themselves? “Be open about your ambitions, but stay realistic and modest. Talk with people you can learn from and people who you trust. Not only about your strengths, but also about your insecurities and points for development. I have been surprised more than once about how much is possible at TNO and am grateful for all the opportunities I got so far.”
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