Milad Golkaram

Scientist Circular Economy

‘I work as an assistant professor at Maastricht University one day a week. I’d love for the young generation to follow their passion and, if they don’t have one, to try to find one. You can achieve a great deal if you keep doing what you really love.’

Milad Golkaram is a circular economy scientist at TNO and assistant professor at Maastricht University. Milad ended up at TNO in Utrecht after obtaining a Master’s degree in Germany and a PhD in Groningen. He works on polySCOUT: a machine-learning program to develop new biodegradable polymers. This brings together his three biggest motivations: polymer science, sustainability, and AI.

‘I work as an assistant professor at Maastricht University one day a week. I’d love for the young generation to follow their passion and, if they don’t have one, to try to find one. You can achieve a great deal if you keep doing what you really love.’

Read how he contributed to the innovation polySCOUT >


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