Noortje Pannebakker

"I am convinced that the complex issues in our society are only solved if we work together, i.e. the scientist with the municipal official, the client manager with the job seeker and the trainer of (future) professionals with young people. That is why I have developed into an expert in learning networks in the social domain: as a scientist I substantiate the method and as program leader I apply it in practice."
The social domain faces several complex issues, such as increasing equity of opportunity among children and sustainable participation of job seekers. That is why we - practitioners, municipal officials, teachers, students, researchers and experts by experience - are increasingly working together in cross-organizational learning networks, an excellent vehicle for unraveling such issues and developing innovations.
Learning and innovating together in learning networks
Although learning networks are increasingly being used in youth care and work & income, there is still little systematic knowledge available about what exactly works. This is where the Learning Networks in the Social Domain (LISO) framework comes in. This provides a solid basis to help you start or evaluate your learning network. Are you considering starting a learning network or do you want to evaluate your learning network? Take a look at our online tool and contact us for training and advice.
Learning networks in practice
I supervise several learning networks in practice, such as:
The Werkplaats SAMEN is a collaboration in youth care consisting of 24 partners from Haaglanden, including (future) practice professionals, parents, young people, teachers and lecturers from colleges, municipal officials and researchers.
In this Community of Practice, municipalities work together with TNO, Tilburg University, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Divosa and SAM to examine how we can jointly improve reintegration. We do this by working in communities to explore complex issues from the implementation practice in that practice. In this way we develop knowledge together that is of real use in practice.
Learning network Participatory action research with young people
In this network, young people and researchers work together on the quality, ethics and practice of youth participation. What do we think about the current situation? What are the lessons and wishes for the future? The network is involved by the School of Participation.
Learning network Companies for track 2 candidates
Together with the P-Center, a number of leading knowledge institutions and a consortium of companies, we will set up a unique Learning Network Companies. A network of companies that supports exchange of employees within the network which is a more effective method for the traditional reintegration second track.
Recent publications
- Wildeman, I. & Pannebakker, N. (2023). Samen leren en innoveren in het domein Werk & Inkomen. Factsheet TNO
- Pannebakker, N. & Wildeman, I. (2021). Leren & Implementeren: doorbouwen op onderzoek vanuit de praktijk. Factsheet TNO
- Pannebakker, N. (2020). Samen het sociaal domein verbeteren in leernetwerken. Factsheet TNO
- Richtlijnen voor kinderen, jongeren en onderzoekers die echt willen samenwerken in onderzoek. School of participation.
- Rapport ‘Een Delphi-studie naar het LISO framework, Ilona Wildeman en Noortje Pannebakker (pdf)
- Factsheet ‘Samen leren en innoveren in leernetwerken met publiek en private partijen’, Marianne de Wolff en Noortje Pannebakker (pdf)
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The Netherlands