Norbert Ligterink

Norbert Ligterink

Lead scientist emissions of mobile sources
Norbert Ligterink

My daily work is the determination of the true, real-world environmental and climate impact of specific mobile emission sources, such as vehicles, mobile machines, and ships. Combining this with the fleets, their normal usages, and effectiveness of policy and regulations, the total effect for the Netherlands is determined.

For clean air and effective climate policies it is important to know the real-world sources and the limitations of mitigation measures to achieve the emission reduction. TNO is already for decennia the driving force behind better legislation and policies, by producing the facts and figures, and pinpoint the gaps.

Personally, I have been involved in determining the effect of failing vehicle emission legislation on air quality, before this became known as diesel scandal. Similar gaps between intentions and effects for CO2 emissions, mobile machinery, and ships have now my attention. Keywords for me in the public task are Accountability and Transparency.

Some publications:

  • The Euro emission standards for cars and trucks in relation to NO2 limit value exceedances in the Netherlands, RIVM report 2013 nr. 680363001.
  • Review of RDE legislation: legislation text, evaluation methods and boundary conditions on the basis of RDE test data, TNO report 2017 R11015.
  • Schoon wagenpark vraagt om meer naast stekkersubsidie. Milieu en klimaat zijn gebaat bij doelgerichte autobelastingen voor het gehele wagenpark, TNO whitepaper 2021.
  • A European Regulatory Perspective towards a Euro 7 Proposal, SAE paper 2022-37-0032.

Den Haag - New Babylon

Anna van Buerenplein 1
NL-2595 DA The Hague

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P.O. Box 96800
NL-2509 JE The Hague