Olaf Adan

Principal scientist at TNO and Professor at TU Eindhoven

My research focusses on understanding the physics of transport and phase changes in complex permeable media as to better engineer materials for a sustainable society, including ​materials for energy storage and ​technological porous materials​.

Professorship chair

(Bio)physical Processes in Porous Media (Eindhoven University of Technology).

Research area

Fundamental understanding of cyclic stability and kinetics of phase transitions in thermochemical media is key in my scientific challenge. The internal morphology plays a pivotal role in transport phenomena in porous thermochemical media. The porous network is continuously reorganizing in cyclic hydration/dehydration reactions. Studying the coupling between morphology changes and solid-solid phase transitions/reactions uses a multiscale approach to bridge the gap between processes at atomic scale with system performances in terms of power, energy density and stability.

Top publications

  • Donkers, P. A. J., Sögütoglu, L. C., Huinink, H. P., Fischer, H. R. & Adan, O. C. G., “A review of salt hydrates for seasonal heat storage in domestic applications”, In: Applied Energy. 199, C, p. 45-68, 2017
  • Sögütoglu, L., Steiger, M., Houben, J., Biemans, D., Fischer, H. R., Donkers, P., Huinink, H. & Adan, O. “Understanding the hydration process of salts: the impact of a nucleation barrier”, In: Crystal Growth and Design. 19, 4, p. 2279-2288 10, 2019
  • Sögütoglu, L. C., Donkers, P. A. J., Fischer, H. R., Huinink, H. P. & Adan, O. C. G., “In-depth investigation of thermochemical performance in a heat battery: Cyclic analysis of K2CO3, MgCl2 and Na2S”, In: Applied Energy. 215, p. 159-173 15, 2018

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The Netherlands

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5600 HE Eindhoven
The Netherlands