Paula Bronsveld

Paula Bronsveld

Senior project manager climate and air quality
Paula Bronsveld

Paula is a passionate and driven senior project leader specialising in climate and air quality, and has over 20 years’ experience in scientific research on wide-ranging topics.

After completing her astronomy studies and earning a PhD in thin film solar cells, Paula dedicated the first 12 years of her career developing innovative crystalline silicon solar cells. She then made the switch to her current discipline, where she currently heads the cluster team of Climate and Air Quality.

Paula is active within the Climate and Air Quality team, which focuses on the innovation of measurements and models of the "ABC" of atmospheric emissions:

  • Air Quality (e.g., particulate matter),
  • Biodiversity (nitrogen),
  • Climate Change (greenhouse gases).

In this team, supported by the two research groups Environmental Observation, Modelling and Analysis, and Air Quality and Emission Research, TNO maps the sources and effects of health-relevant particulate matter, reactive nitrogen species, and greenhouse gases.

Based on this, and with the help of new experimental facilities and satellite data, emission monitoring strategies are developed.

Key focus areas of the team include work at the Ruisdael Observatory and the Cabauw measurement tower, as well as work on urban and agricultural emissions (wood burning, emissions in cowsheds).


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1755 LE Petten
The Netherlands

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1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands

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