Peter Eecen

Peter Eecen is Senior Business Developer at TNO Wind Energy. In close relation to the TNO strategic roadmap on wind energy, Peter develops new markets, devises propositions and explores business models to realise innovations that will accelerate the implementation of wind energy. The innovations are developed in collaborative research projects, often public-private partnerships. Peter has a network of national and international partners and is active in the management board of EERA JP Wind. Peter works closely with TNO’s researchers and project managers and guides partners and clients through the project proposal stage in order to create impactful projects
Peter got his PhD in the field of nuclear fusion in 1996 and worked for three years at TNO in underwater acoustics. In 2000 Peter started at ECN as R&D manager of the group ‘Wind and Waves’, concerning the wind and wave descriptions for turbine loading and wind resource assessments. He led the group on experiments and validation, and he has been working in the field of Operation and Maintenance of large offshore wind farms. For four years Peter headed the research in Rotor&Farm Aerodynamics with focus on rotor design and wind farm improvements.
Peter performed research in modelling wind and waves, resource assessments, uncertainties in wind measurements, sensor innovations, remote sensing, operation and maintenance, wakes and aerodynamics, wind farm control and grid integration. He was responsible for measurements on full-scale wind farms and the ECN scale wind farm.
From 2011 to 2022, Peter was responsible for the research programme offshore wind. The research programme aims to accelerate the implementation of offshore wind power by reducing costs and taking away barriers, while supporting the Dutch and European industry to become more competitive by innovations.
Peter is internationally active in EERA, IEA, MEASNET, ETIPWind, EAWE and European projects.
Westerduinweg 3
1755 LE Petten
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 15
1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands
Telefoon:+31 88 866 50 65