Piet Jacobs

Please contact me if you want to improve the indoor environment and simultaneously want to save energy. My focus is on optimizing ventilation, heat recovery, filtering, local extraction and passive cooling. This to reduce the concentration of contaminants such as particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide and to prevent overheating in buildings
Within the PMC Energy Performance & Indoor Environmental Quality I am responsible for the knowledge development in the field of the indoor environment.
• In the Indoor Air Quality lab research is carried out under controlled conditions into emissions from cooking.
• RADAR television broadcast: cooking more dangerous than you may think (in Dutch)
• MEED high efficient shower heat recovery
• SchoolVent pilot ventilation system with indirect adiabatic cooling and high efficiency filtering
• Board member of ISIAQ.nl. Member of STC34, in which we set up a global database on indoor environmental guidelines.
Delft - Molengraaffsingel (NEXT)
Molengraaffsingel 8
2629 JD Delft
The Netherlands