Richard Janssen

Having gained valuable experience in international business as a Researcher, Business and Market Intelligence Specialist and New Business Development Manager, Richard currently works for the Sustainable Mobility program at Brightlands Materials Center. His areas of work include sustainable chemistry and polymers and, in particular, their applications. His heart lies in the commercially successful implementation of new sustainable technology and products.
Geleen - Brightlands Materials Center
Urmonderbaan 22 (Gate 2)
6167 RD Geleen
The Netherlands
Postal address
Brightlands Materials Center
Urmonderbaan 22
Building 220, Level 4
6167 RD Geleen
The Netherlands
Address for parcels over 25 kg
Mainfreight Logistic Services Geleen
Afdeling CLC / TNO G220
FAO Brightlands Materials Center
Holtum-Noordweg 8B
6121 RE Born
The Netherlands
Building Brighthouse of Brightlands Chemelot Campus
Telefoon:+31 88 866 96 90
Email:[email protected]