Rolph Segers
Tech Transfer Officer

Rolph Segers is responsible for setting up spin-off companies at TNO, based on technology created by TNO.
Technology Transfer is an important part of the valorisation process of TNO and involves the transfer of an innovation to the market through the creation of spin-off companies. Whenever you encounter or have an innovation for which you see market potential and which is currently not picked up by the market (and not tight up in a project), you can apply for TT program. Our TT program consists out of 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Market feasability study (is there a market and what is the best route to get the innovation into the market). If there turns out to be a market and the best route to that market is a spin-ff and there is at least one founder for that spin-off then you can apply for.
- Phase 2: Where we help you preparing everything for setting up the company. If this results in an actual spin-off we still assist you in
- Phase 3: where we support the founding team in attracting external financing. Next to this we organise and give workshops for our teams and ocassionally for TNO groups as well on request.
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Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands