Serge Moesman

'I recruit talent for innovation and research for defence and security. That role gives me a huge amount of energy every day. Having been in the military for 12 years myself, I know what we’re doing it for. Therefore, I think someone’s drive is very important. What motivates a candidate to work for TNO and specifically this unit? I’m curious about that. Even if your profile doesn't tick all the boxes, good motivation can make all the difference.'
Variety is the spice of life
'I started my career as a soldier in the Dutch armed forces. In my 12 years in the Marine Corps, I did meet TNO employees now and then. But I didn't realise at the time how varied, complex, and challenging the work here is. Radar technology, electronic warfare, military operations, robotics, autonomous systems, you name it. I recruit experts in all these areas. The complex subject matter is not easy for me to fathom. However, I can make the link to my own experience and the Defence context. From practical experience, I know how necessary and useful these innovations are.'
'DSS is one of TNO's largest units, employing as many as 1,000 people. I focus on one of our locations in The Hague. There, I mainly recruit STEM graduates: top students in physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, econometrics, or aerospace engineering. In addition to researchers, project managers, software engineers, business developers, and research managers, I sometimes recruit management assistants and lab staff.'
The passion remains strong
'As a soldier, I was often away from home. So when we had children, I switched to business and ended up in employment services. That turned out to be a very good choice in retrospect: I like working with people, so the role of recruiter suits me well. But my passion for Defence has always remained strong. When a position became available in TNO's Defence, Safety & Security unit, I thought: ‘This was meant to be’. To work at TNO, in a defence-related context, is the icing on the cake.'
'Current world events show that security cannot be taken for granted. Look at the situation in Ukraine. The time setters at DSS want to contribute to a safe world; it's embedded in the culture. The world is changing ever faster and is unfortunately becoming increasingly threatening. So I look for things like a sense of urgency, flexibility, collaboration, and entrepreneurship in new colleagues. Of course, no single person has to have everything. I look for experts who complement a team.'
'It’s a platitude, but true: I love filling a complex vacancy. For some roles, I really have to look hard. If you find that one person who’s just right, you may still have to compete with the terms of employment in competitive industries. If I’m successful nevertheless, I know that I’ve managed to appeal to someone on another level than just the commercial aspect. How great is that?'
'It remains a special moment when someone says yes to a job at TNO. Whether that’s someone who has just finished university or who has been in the business for 20 years, it makes no difference – I continue to celebrate it.'
Den Haag - New Babylon
Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands
Telefoon:+31 88 866 00 00