Siem van Merriënboer

Senior Consultant Logistics, expert construction logistics

Within TNO, I am the connecting link between construction and logistics when it comes to the logistical impact of circular construction and the industrialization of the construction process. As an expert from TNO, I am involved in various knowledge issues regarding construction transport around the transition to a clean and emission-free construction site (see also:

Research field: construction logistics

In recent years, TNO has built extensive experience in the field of construction logistics, urban distribution, and zero-emission freight transport through practical research for companies and municipalities. This involves expertise in optimizing logistics networks and applying innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Control Towers, and Building Information Management (BIM), combined with innovative construction concepts such as industrial building, the use of circular materials, and the optimization of construction processes.

Since 2014, TNO has been involved in monitoring various construction projects for emissions, both for construction transport and emissions from construction machinery on-site. In several assignments, TNO has conducted research on the implementation of innovative construction logistics solutions for urban construction.

An important research topic is improving information exchange between chain partners in the construction logistics chain in a dynamic and automated manner by applying chain management and enriching BIM (Building Information Management) data with logistical information.

I have played a guiding role in various research projects for municipalities and provinces on the impact of construction logistics measures, such as construction hubs, water transport, and zero-emission zones, on the sustainability of construction tasks until 2030. These projects accumulate a lot of practical knowledge on the proper methods of sustainable procurement, implementation, and monitoring of construction logistics measures.

Recent publications

van Merriënboer, S., Meijer, L., Rondaij, A., Harmelink, R., Vrijhoef, R., Adriaanse, A., Logistiek, O.T.: Control towers in de bouwlogistiek, een verkenning van ketenregie (2023), TNO 2023 R10799, TNO, Den Haag, 2023.

Van Merrienboer, S., Fransen, R., Rondaij, A., Van Mensch, P., Harmsen, J., De Vries, J., “Transitiepaden Schoon en Emissieloos Bouwen (SEB)”, TNO 2023 R11035, TNO, Den Haag, 2023.

Harmsen, J., Van Merrienboer, S., Rondaij, A., Zubin, I., De Jong, B., “Amsterdam Vaart!”, TNO 2023 R10574, TNO, Den Haag, 2023.

Van Merrienboer, S., Fransen, R., Rondaij, A., Van Mensch, P., Harmsen, J., Tol, D., “Inventarisatie en categorisatie huidige en toekomstige aanbod duurzame mobiele werktuigen, bouwlogistieke voertuigen, spoorwerktuigen en vaartuigen die worden ingezet voor de waterbouw”, TNO 2022 R11048, TNO, Den Haag, 2022.

Van Merrienboer, S, Ploos van Amstel, W., Vrijhoef, R., “Duurzame bouwlogistiek voor binnenstedelijke woning- en utiliteitsbouw: Ervaringen en aanbevelingen”, 2018, TNO.

Den Haag - New Babylon

Anna van Buerenplein 1
NL-2595 DA The Hague

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P.O. Box 96800
NL-2509 JE The Hague