Ties van Maaren

Business developer

Ties is a passionate and pro-active business developer at the VoltaChem Shared Innovation Programme. He has gained expertise in the chemical and plastic industry during a career working for various multinationals and an SME. His background is predominantly in the fields of marketing, chemical engineering and polymer science.

Over the years, he has been fortunate to work with many different cultures and companies with challenging and complex DMU structures. Skilled in business development, project management and application development, he uses his role to connect people and organisations. “I enjoy strengthening and creating new value propositions by sharing the latest innovations and developments across organisational groups, with the ultimate aim of contributing to a more sustainable society”. In both his current and earlier jobs, Ties’ main focus has always been on sustainability and innovation.
He currently holds the position of senior business developer for the Power-2-Chemicals and Solid Oxide Electrolyser programme lines. In this role, he is primarily tasked with coordinating European and nationally funded projects, as well as managing the marketing and communication activities of VoltaChem. Ties gets energy from connecting people and new innovations that contribute to a more sustainable future.

Delft - Leeghwaterstraat

Leeghwaterstraat 44
NL-2628 CA Delft

Postal address

P.O. Box 6012
NL-2600 JA Delft