Vincent Zoutenbier
While he enjoys turning his own home into a smart home in his free time, at TNO, he is pushing for a smarter medical world.
Vincent earned his PhD at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, then worked as a senior imaging scientist at a printing technology company near Boston. Following a postdoctoral research position at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the VUmc, where he developed a blood flow system for an artificial retina, he joined TNO. Here, he leads the development and expansion of the TOMCA® toolbox, which simulates light-tissue interactions to facilitate the efficient development of optical medical devices and biomarker extraction algorithms. Vincent was also nominated for the Young Excellent Researcher Award 2024. Discover more >
- Ahmad Khatoun, Shavini Stuart, Adrian-Razvan Petre, Bart Peeters, Anand Soundararajan, Natallia E. Uzunbajakava, Vincent S. Zoutenbier, Hylke B. Akkerman, and Arjen Amelink. “Design and development of a new wearable optic patch towards increased functionality and reduced motion artifacts”. In: Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables V. Ed. by Babak Shadgan and Amir H. Gandjbakhche. SPIE, Mar. 2024, p. 7. doi: 10.1117/12.3002506.
- Vincent S. Zoutenbier, Arjen Amelink, and Johannes F. de Boer. “Blood flow signatures from an ex-corpus human blood flow system for physiological control in retinamimicking silicone phantoms (Conference Presentation)”. In: Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies XVI. Ed. by T. Joshua Pfefer, Jeeseong Hwang, and Gracie Vargas. SPIE, Mar. 2023, p. 17. doi: 10.1117/12.2650711.
- Johannes Kubler, Vincent S. Zoutenbier, Arjen Amelink, J¨org Fischer, and Johannes F. de Boer. “Investigation of a method to extract confocal function parameters for depth resolved determination of attenuation coefficients using OCT in homogeneous, layered phantoms, and in-vivo human retina”. In: Ophthalmic Technologies XXXII. Ed. by Daniel X. Hammer, Karen M. Joos, and Daniel V. Palanker. SPIE, Mar. 2022, p. 28. doi: 10.1117/12.2610228.
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