Wessel Kraaij

Wessel Kraaij

Principal scientist at TNO and Professor at Leiden University
Wessel Kraaij

Wessel Kraaij is principal scientist at the dept of Data Science, specialized in predictive modeling for decision support and citizen empowerment.

Professorship chair

Applied data analytics (Leiden University).

Research area

My main research areas include machine learning from unstructured data in diverse applications such as information retrieval, text mining, multimedia search, context sensitive AI, health data, personalized health and data driven policy making.

As a recognized expert in the area of Information Retrieval, I have been active in the application domains (social) media analysis, bioinformatics and health. I am mostly known for my contribution to TRECVid – the global benchmark forum on the evaluation of content-based analysis of digital video.

More recently, I have changed focus to the analysis of unstructured health data for the purpose of developing more effective personalized health advice and interventions as well as supporting sustainable society transitions on a community level. An important sub-problem is the challenge to learn from sensitive data without disclosing the data in a federated setting.

Other relevant challenges include the development of standardized analytics of lifestyle and health across decades of time span to allow analogical reasoning across large cohorts of health data. My ambition is to link TNO’s operational excellence with the longer term research horizons of academic research to achieve impact in the domain of AI and health.

Top publications

Den Haag - New Babylon

Anna van Buerenplein 1
2595 DA The Hague
The Netherlands

Postal address

P.O. Box 96800
2509 JE The Hague
The Netherlands