Willem van Aalst
Sr. Systems Engineer and Project Manager, Intelligent Imaging

Please contact me for all your questions and challenges regarding the automated inspection of roads or infrastructure, (image-based) measuring or inspection systems or obtaining information from images in general.
Recent publications:
Raveling algorithm for PA and SMA on 3D data, (SURF 22)
The current dutch pavement monitoring system, (ERPUG 21)
Automated Raveling Inspection and Maintenance Planning on Porous Asphalt in the Netherlands, (NDT-CE 15)
Den Haag - Oude Waalsdorperweg
Oude Waalsdorperweg 63
2597 AK The Hague
The Neterlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 96864
2509 JG The Hague
The Neterlands