Willy Peelen

Senior business developer

Hello, I'm Willy Peelen, senior business developer of the Infrastructure cluster. How safe is our aging infrastructure, how do we make it sustainably safe in the future, and how do we leverage digitalization for that purpose? That's what keeps me occupied.

Willy Peelen leads the development and implementation of the TNO roadmap on transportation infrastructure. The infrastructure mission is the safe execution of major replacement tasks in the Netherlands, achieving the objectives of circular infrastructure, transitioning to digital asset management and operation of infrastructure, and climate adaptation.

We achieve this through programmatic knowledge development with infrastructure managers and collaboration with all sector partners to generate and implement solutions; such as digital twins of objects and networks, prioritisation methodologies for replacements, new frameworks and standards, and circular construction materials.

Delft - Molengraaffsingel (NEXT)

Molengraaffsingel 8
NL-2629 JD Delft