Internship | Recurrent deep learning applied to radar data
Exploiting recurrent deep learning techniques for exploitation of temporal structures in radar data
What will be your role?
Radar observations are hampered by reflections from the background surrounding an object of interest (so-called radar clutter) and sometimes interference of other emitters. Radar clutter may exhibit some temporal structure, e.g., radar reflections from rolling sea waves or from the rotating blades of a wind turbine. Also interference from other emitters may have some temporal structure such as a series of pulses emitted by a ship navigation radar.
The goal of this assignment is to investigate whether this temporal structure can be exploited to improve the suppression of radar clutter and interference, for instance by predicting the clutter or interference for the next radar observation. Then the next question would be: is it also possible to adapt to (slow) changes of the temporal structure? For example, the blades of a wind turbine tend to rotate faster when the wind increases, can this change be taken into account in the subsequent predictions? One potential line of investigation is the use of deep learning techniques with a recurrent structure.
You will perform this assignment in the Department of Radar Technology. We are a passionate and creative group of professionals (60 people) dedicated to the specification, development and evaluation of innovative, high-performance MMICs, miniaturised and integrated RF subsystems, antennas and front-ends. The department is at the heart of novel, game-changing radar system and signal processing concepts for the military, space and civil domains.
What we expect from you
You are in the final stages of your degree in artificial intelligence, computer science, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering or a similar degree and have some track record in the field of signal processing or computer vision. You have experience in programming in Matlab and/or Python, you are pragmatic and focused on making things work. Next to technical expertise we value communication skills and a results-driven attitude.
What you'll get in return
You want an internship opportunity on the precursor of your career; an internship gives you an opportunity to take a good look at your prospective future employer. TNO goes a step further. It’s not just looking that interests us; you and your knowledge are essential to our innovation. That’s why we attach a great deal of value to your personal and professional development. You will, of course, be properly supervised during your work placement and be given the scope for you to get the best out of yourself. Furthermore, we provide:
- A highly professional, innovative internship environment, within a team of top experts.
- A suitable internship allowance (615 euro for wo-, hbo- and mbo-students, for a full-time internship).
- Possibility of eight hours of free leave per internship month (for a full-time internship).
- A free membership of Jong TNO, where you can meet other TNO professionals and join several activities, such as sports activities, (work-related) courses or the yearly ski-trip.
- Use of a laptop.
- An allowance for travel expenses in case you don’t receive an OV-card.
TNO as an employer
At TNO, we innovate for a healthier, safer and more sustainable life. And for a strong economy. Since 1932, we have been making knowledge and technology available for the common good. We find each other in wonder and ingenuity. We are driven to push boundaries. There is all the space and support for your talent and ambition. You work with people who will challenge you: who inspire you and want to learn from you. Our state-of-the-art facilities are there to realize your vision. What you do at TNO matters: impact makes the difference. Because with every innovation you contribute to tomorrow’s world. Read more about TNO as an employer.
At TNO we encourage an inclusive work environment, where you can be yourself. Whatever your story and whatever unique qualities you bring to the table. It is by combining our unique strengths and perspectives that we are able to develop innovations that make a real difference in society. Want to know more? Read what steps we are taking in the area of diversity and inclusion.
The selection process
De sollicitatieprocedure verloopt, na de eerste CV selectie, via de betreffende afdeling. TNO draagt zorg voor een passende stageovereenkomst. Mocht je vragen hebben over deze vacature, dan kan je contact opnemen met onderstaande contactpersoon.
Voor deze stagevacature is het noodzakelijk dat de AIVD een Verklaring van Geen Bezwaar (VGB) afgeeft na het uitvoeren van een veiligheidsonderzoek. Houd hierbij in elk geval rekening met een gemiddelde duur van 8 weken. Als je langer dan 6 aaneengesloten maanden in het buitenland bent verbleven of als je niet de Nederlandse nationaliteit hebt, kan dit termijn mogelijk langer zijn. Kijk voor meer informatie op de website van de AIVD.
Belangrijk om te weten voordat je solliciteert:
- Voor aanvang van de stage moet een stageovereenkomst getekend worden. Voor studenten van een hogeschool of universiteit gevestigd in Nederland, hanteert TNO het UNL-template (aangevuld met een aantal specifieke afspraken vanuit TNO). Voor studenten van buitenlandse- en MBO-instellingen, geldt de TNO stageovereenkomst. TNO tekent geen andere stageovereenkomsten.
- Voor aanvang van de stage zal de onderwijsinstelling schriftelijk moeten bevestigen dat:
- 1) jij ingeschreven bent bij de onderwijsinstelling gedurende de stage, en;
- 2) de stage plaatsvindt in het kader van de opleiding.
- De bevestiging van onderwijsinstelling vindt plaats door ondertekening van het UNL-template of formulieren opgesteld door TNO.
- Stagiairs bij TNO moeten in het bezit zijn van een Nederlands woonadres bij de start van de stage. Verrichten van stage-activiteiten vanuit het buitenland is niet mogelijk.
Has this job opening sparked your interest?
Then please feel free to apply on this vacancy! For further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.