The story of Melloney van der Hoeven

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'My colleagues at TNO are smart and challenge me. They definitely keep me on my toes.'

Melloney van der Hoeven

Unit controller at the ICT, Strategy & Policy Unit

Since joining TNO, Melloney has progressed from the role of project controller to unit controller and has learnt to be herself more. She explains: 'I became a project controller at TNO six years ago. After a while, I felt the time had come to take the next step in my career with the company. In November 2022, I was made assistant unit controller, and now I’m the unit controller, which means I oversee the entire unit.'

'My work is very dynamic: I help write monthly reports, forecasts, and budgets and answer ad hoc questions from management. I’m also part of the management team, so I’m able to contribute to strategy. I work with different people on various subjects. It's never boring.'

Plenty of scope for your ambitions

'I’ve noticed that the people at TNO really listen to your ambitions and are proactive in helping you achieve them. For example, I did a Fast Track programme last year. It’s a programme for future leaders at TNO. I learnt so much.'

Growing self-confidence

'The Fast Track programme was a safe environment and a place where I didn’t need to be afraid to be myself. It made me feel far more confident and helped me get where I am today. When I started the Fast Track programme, my ambition was to become the unit controller. Well, I’ve achieved that ambition now, thanks in part to the opportunity I was given to train as a register controller while still in my previous role.'

Contributing to society

'You’ll often see the projects we work on here at TNO on the news. That’s when you know that the work we do has a social impact, and that’s something that I can contribute to as well. That makes me incredibly proud. I really like the fact that my job at TNO enables me to do my bit to make society more healthy, safe, and secure. I hope I’ll live to a ripe old age and that my children are able to grow up in a wonderful world, just like I have.'