The story of Tim van Klinken


'As a project controller, I am not just the guardian of the numbers but an essential partner in projects that shape the future.'

Tim van Klinken

Project controller

Tim van Klinken is a project controller at TNO and directly involved in the financial component of pioneering research projects. 'These projects are not only scientifically advanced; they also offer practical solutions to societal challenges. This gives me a unique perspective on how science and technology can help build a better world.'

Tim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Economics from VU Amsterdam and a Master’s degree in Neuroeconomics. After graduating, he entered the business world, completing a traineeship at Yacht and working for two banks. 'I was ready for the next step, with more financial challenges and variation. I found my home at TNO. Here, I am involved in financial planning and management, risk management, cost control, compliance and reporting, and decision support.'


Tim gets extra motivation from the impactful work TNO does. 'What I love about working at TNO is the dynamic and innovative working environment. As a project controller, I am not just the guardian of the numbers but an essential partner in achieving impactful projects that shape the future. At TNO, innovation and teamwork go hand in hand.'

Reducing carbon emissions

Tim gives the example of a large collaborative project to develop renewable heat sources as part of a wider programme promoting the transition to renewable energy. He has six research groups in his portfolio, all from the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN), which is part of the Energy and Materials Transition unit. 'To my surprise, TNO turned out to be anything but dusty. In fact, the only dust I’ve encountered was in the lab where it was being researched.'
At TNO, Tim works with project managers, scientists and other stakeholders to ensure that projects are delivered to budget, on time, and meet the required quality standards. 'The human aspect of my work is what I enjoy the most. One day, I’m talking to a geoscientist; the next, a project manager. Meeting all those different people keeps my work varied.'


'The culture at TNO is strongly focused on personal and professional growth, offering plenty of opportunities to develop,' says Tim. In February 2024, for example, he started a two-year course at Nyenrode to become a chartered controller. 'As a project controller, I still have plenty of opportunities to develop. By becoming a divisional or unit controller, or by moving horizontally into corporate control. That is more focused on policy. What my next step will be, I haven’t decided yet. I am currently enjoying the freedom to explore what suits me best.'