Soort project:

TNO in the APAC region

In cooperation with


Exponential population growth, urbanisation, climate change, economic growth, and geopolitical shifts underscore the need for innovation in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Certain organisations in APAC are valuable partners for TNO's vision on achieving the Three Zeros: Zero Calamities, Zero Emissions, and Zero Loss. In APAC, TNO recognises many topics of mutual interest, and similar if not higher urgency, to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Longstanding international partnerships

As a leading research organisation in the Netherlands, TNO has a longstanding tradition of partnering with international organisations to drive technological advancements and address societal challenges. Our successful collaborations have spanned various domains, including healthcare, high-tech and energy.

In the realm of Mobility and Built Environment, TNO aims to accelerate technological advancements and foster innovation in areas such as Automated Driving, E-Mobility, Sustainable Powertrains, Battery Technology and Predictive Digital Twins for strategic urban planning & design.

Our vision

To develop a knowledge bridge that fulfils strategic collaboration between TNO and organisations in the APAC region, that enables key technological advancement and foster innovation to future-proof our knowledge position, thereby improving the competitiveness of our partners and realising a more sustainable, liveable and safe society.

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'In the APAC region, we find allies with shared interests in key enabling technologies, and therefore I wholeheartedly endorse our international partnerships in this region.'

Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi

CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TNO

Making the complexity of urban transitions manageable

TNO has dedicated its research efforts to understanding the impact on the wellbeing of society, by focusing on measures such as to enhancing safety, redistributing accessibility, improving affordability, and reducing exposure to environmental pollutants.

In doing so, TNO and our international partners support cities, and thereby millions of people around the world, by making the complexity of urban transitions manageable. It’s TNO’s mission to combine our expertise with knowledge and propositions of our international partners into tailor-made, localised, comprehensive solutions.

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'TNO stands out for its dual role in propelling technological innovation in close collaboration with industry partners on one hand and guiding successful market deployment on the other, by advising policymakers on the required standards, legislation and infrastructure.'

Ronnie van Munster

Regional Director Asia Pacific

TNO as international knowledge partner in the APAC region

Key areas of interest in APAC

TNO APAC organisation consists of three offices: Singapore, Tokyo (Japan) and Seoul (South Korea). In these countries we recognise the importance of enabling technologies and transitions that heavily impact the future sustainability, liveability and safety of our cities.

With our partners in the APAC region:

  • TNO gains access and understanding of uniquely intense, urgent urbanisation challenges and potential scenarios and solutions to issues we will face more and more in the Netherlands in the years to come, such as ageing population, congestion, energy transition, impact of climate change and social equity. Through the joint-development and localisation of state-of-the-art predictive digital twins, successfully deployed in the Netherlands and abroad, we continue to future-proof our cities.
  • We recognise the importance of innovative methodologies, such as a scenario-based safety assessment framework for automated vehicles, to develop new legislation to enable large-scale deployment of disruptive, new mobility technologies on the public road.
  • We have access to a vast and innovative automotive industry in which the demand for expertise drives the acceleration of many key enabling technologies, such as Powertrains, Yard Automation, Connected Cooperative Driving, H2-ICE, Modular Energy Management, Battery Management, and Fuel Cell Technology.
  • We see a pressing need to accelerate the development of sustainable powertrains, battery technology, and alternative energy sources. These advancements are essential for achieving international climate goals and directly impact the sustainability of the car fleet, not only in the Netherlands and the EU but also globally.

Three focus areas

In the APAC region TNO Mobility and Built Environment focuses its activities on three propositions:

1. Liveable & resilient cities

How do aspirations for sustainable wellbeing and digitalisation impact urban mobility in the city and the metropolitan area? With integrated digital twin models and a state-of-the-art platform, TNO turns data of local partners into insights, making the complexity of choices in urban planning manageable.

2. Safe and efficient mobility

TNO is recognised by OEMs and TIERs worldwide as a valuable knowledge partner with unique expertise, tools, and facilities to promote safe and efficient mobility. Our activities focus on improving the safety of vehicles, including the development and assessment of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automated Driving Systems (ADS).

3. Sustainable mobility

At TNO, our mission is to advance towards a sustainable society by guiding governments and businesses in transitioning to a climate neutral mobility system. Leveraging our independent role, we assist industries in developing competitive low-emission technologies and support governments in crafting effective policies to promote the uptake of sustainable transportation solutions.