How do we keep the supply chain cyber secure?
Hostage software, phishing, vulnerable software and other forms of unauthorised access to servers and networks – all of which makes every company a potential prey for cybercriminals. And because of the interconnectedness in the chain, it is no longer enough to have one's own cybersecurity in order. Cybercriminals are increasingly hacking into their ultimate targets via suppliers and business partners.
Cybersecurity in the supply chain
Cybersecurity in the supply chain is a many-headed monster. It is clear that there is no 'silver bullet' to prevent problems, both structural and specific. However, that does not mean that every organisation should simply wait for the first incident to happen before taking action. TNO specifies three concrete steps towards improved digital security in the supply chain. You can read all about it in the paper "When the chain itself is the weakest link".
3 steps to digital security in the supply chain
Download the paper "When the chain itself is the weakest link"
Details of the paper
After reading the paper you will know more about:
- The challenges of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in the production chain . In addition to their own cyber resilience, they must also be aware of attacks or disruptions from parties they trust - but who are outside their circle of influence.
- Three concrete steps towards improved digital security in the supply chain . How can organisations innovate to boost resilience against digital attacks, especially in complex chains.
- Use Cases reveal how TNO, together with national and international partners, develops technologies to keep the supply chain digitally secure.
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