Quantum communication systems
Harnessing the power of quantum computers and sensors requires a fully entangled quantum network that can connect them over great distances. The interim innovations required to realise a quantum internet can also have far-reaching applications. Since 2012, TNO has been developing expertise in the field of quantum networks, and stands ready to support the ecosystem and bring the quantum internet to life.
Incremental innovation
Developing the systems to realise a global quantum internet requires incremental innovations in the components, systems, and subsystems that enable it. TNO is one of the few organisations in the world that can support these innovations at every level: from the design, nanofabrication, and characterisation of individual components and subsystems to full system design, prototyping, and demonstrators. As co-founder of QuTech, we contributed to the first multi-node quantum network, based on NV color centers in diamond. Today, we are applying that knowledge to drive innovation across the industry and accelerate progress.
Scalable quantum repeaters
Quantum repeaters are a primary building block of a quantum network. They swap qubits at intermediate points, enabling connections over greater distances. TNO offers particular expertise in quantum repeater design based on NV color centers in diamond. We support the architecture design and characterisation of repeaters, and aim for designs that allow for scalability in the number of qubits.
Characterisation services
We offer both a Room-Temperature Characterisation Setup (RTCS) and a Low-Temperature (cryogenic) Characterisation Setup to validate the operation of our own and our partners’ devices and systems, and enable more rapid and targeted improvement of the devices through detailed analysis. In this way, we support the ecosystem with essential components of a future quantum network, as well as validation of current quantum sensor technologies.

Delivering the first German quantum node
In January 2025, TNO helped Fraunhofer ILT deliver the very first quantum node in Germany. Building on our previous work, we further improved the design of our diamond spin qubit-enabled entanglement structure.
QKD and beyond
A free-space Quantum Channel is an essential component of a fully entangled quantum internet. Additionally, it can be used for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), which is a crucial security measure for communication in the quantum age. QKD is a stepping stone and the most mature development in quantum communication today. TNO’s Quantum Technology and Laser Satellite Communication groups combine their expertise to address the challenge of quantum networks that must connect over vast distances. In time, these developments will lead to the global quantum internet of the future.
Mastering QKD
TNO offers the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Test and Evaluation Lab to all industry partners wishing to co-develop or benchmark QKD systems and components, or to gain knowledge of, and experience with, its capabilities for a variety of applications. The lab offers hardware, software, and consultation related to end-to-end free space QKD.
Stepping toward the future
Without a fully entangled quantum network, it will not be possible to fully utilise quantum computers and sensors. But along the way, the individual components that make up a quantum network have far-reaching implications for the ecosystem. TNO offers its decades of experience in all facets of these developments to ensure that the Netherlands and Europe remain at the forefront and emerge as leaders in this revolutionary technology. Eager to discover what TNO can offer? Contact us today.
Get inspired
Quantum computing

Quantum devices and materials

TNO delivers Germany’s first quantum internet node

Time setter story: Anna Tchebotareva

TNO’s 2030 view: Ushering in the Quantum Era