Quantum computing
Realising advanced quantum computing systems involves countless challenges and complexities. TNO has extensive knowledge and experience in systems engineering, device and material development, and qubit tuning and characterisation. This expertise enables integrators, developers, QPU designers, and device manufacturers to overcome challenges and accelerate development. Together with our partners, we design the systems and components that will contribute to the fault-tolerant quantum computing systems of tomorrow.
Building the stack
In addition to our expertise in developing high-quality quantum materials and devices, TNO contributes to the development of error-free quantum computers with targeted support in the development of essential control hardware, control software, and quantum compilers, and in their integration into the quantum computing stack. Our expertise enables us to build system architectures and components, calibration and control frameworks, cryogenic input and output cables, automated chip and device characterisation software, and qubit tuning software. We work with partners to fill the gaps in their own quantum computing developments and provide assurance of optimal operation.
Inspire and beyond
Building on the knowledge we developed as initiators and founding partners in Quantum Inspire, Europe’s first publicly available and free online quantum computing system, TNO offers its systems engineering, systems architecture, and component expertise to partners across the quantum computing ecosystem. We help drive innovations that harness the true power of this emerging technology. Today, we continue our work with QuTech to grow Quantum Inspire’s current, hybrid 2 spin qubit and 7 transmon qubit architecture towards an 8 spin qubit and 17 transmon qubit system, and address the challenges of these increasing qubit architectures.
Contributing to HectoQubit/2
TNO is an active partner in HectoQubit/2. The consortium of key quantum organisations, including our close partner QuTech, aims to build a publicly available, cloud-based, full quantum computing system based on 100 superconducting qubits.
The hybrid future
The future of computing is envisioned to be a hybrid of classical computation and quantum computation. The computing centres of the future will consciously divide computation tasks between classical supercomputers and quantum computers, depending on the complexity and the application of computation. This will also leverage their individual and complementary strengths. TNO works actively to uncover the optimal integration and platforms for merging quantum computers into the classical computing ecosystem. As part of the LUMI-Q project, a pan-European collaboration, TNO will contribute its knowledge and expertise in system architecture and component integration to help realise hybrid workflows that combine the power of classical and quantum into a unified network.
Growth through collaboration
While the quantum computing unit focuses primarily on control hardware and software and quantum compilers, these systems must eventually be able to run the algorithms and applications that will drive them. We work closely with TNO’s ICT, strategies and policies (ISP) unit, which offers support with applied cryptography and quantum algorithms, thereby enabling yet another complex aspect of the quantum computing stack. ISP contributes to the Quantum Application Lab, and supports its efforts to pursue quantum value and quantum advantage.
The road ahead
A true market leader in quantum computing has yet to emerge. Instead, the greatest progress in the field occurs when organisations join together to build on each other’s strengths, learn from each other’s expertise, and explore the power of quantum computing together. As an enabler in the development of quantum computing systems, TNO stands ready to support trusted partners aiming for the next giant leap in quantum computing system development. Contact us today to find out how we can help.
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Quantum communication systems

Quantum devices and materials

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Time setter story: Anna Tchebotareva

TNO’s 2030 view: Ushering in the Quantum Era