Sustainable society

In 2018, research organisations ECN and TNO merged. Then-minister Kamp announced in September 2016 the joining of forces of TNO and ECN into a single energy research centre under the responsibility of TNO.

Joining forces

This joining of forces has created an international centre of excellence for energy and materials issues. With 700 researchers and world-class research facilities.

Accelerating the energy and materials transition

A sustainable future is the only future. More than ever it is clear that the energy and materials transition must be accelerated to meet the 2030 and 2050 climate targets.

TNO is committed to making companies and institutions at home and abroad more energy-efficient, innovative and competitive. In doing so, we work with partners, apply research and develop innovations and policies that enable government, business and industry to accelerate sustainability.

To accelerate making a sustainable society possible for everyone, TNO researchers and experts work within 6 coherent innovation programmes that are in line with the energy agenda and the coalition agreement.

  1. Renewable electricity
  2. CO2-neutral industry
  3. Sustainable subsurface
  4. System transition
  5. Environment & sustainability
  6. Sustainable chemical industry

A sustainable future is the only future

Our ambition is to accelerate the energy transition together with knowledge institutions, businesses and government. Read more about our innovation programmes.

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310 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5

Shade screens with rollable solar foil combines energy generation with climate control in greenhouses

25 March 2025
A milestone in sustainable and affordable energy solutions: a rollable shade screen with solar film combines energy generation with climate control.

CO2 infrastructure and transport


Social innovation: The social aspects in the energy transition


How fast did sea levels rise after the last ice age?

19 March 2025

TNO research leads to better damage prediction for offshore wind turbine blades

19 March 2025