Improving the health of citizens physically and mentally. Strengthening the adaptability of people and organisations to ensure that employees remain healthy, safe and productive. That is our ambition. This requires innovation and a new perspective on health, healthcare, work and the labor market. Our living- and work environment plays an important role. Because healthier environments prevent almost a quarter of all diseases.
TNO's goals for a healthy 2030
TNO's view of 2030: Medicines developed 2 years faster
TNO's view of 2030: 50% reduction in lifestyle-related diseases
Our latest developments
46 resultaten, getoond 6 t/m 10
Safe and sustainable chemicals drive business opportunities and societal transitions
Constant innovation in designing new chemicals and materials brings potential health and environmental risks. TNO aims for a paradigm shift by integrating safety and sustainability at the earliest stages of product development.
This is our time: A smart ‘skin’ that monitors your health.
This is our time: TNO spin-off AIKON Health eases the healthcare burden of heart failure
TNO's ambition for 2030: 80% of Dutch working people to have a job that matches their skills
Eight things to know about the D-score
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