Work health
How do we ensure that employees remain healthy, safe, and productive? Through the main themes of inclusive work, sustainable work, and the future of work, we strengthen the adaptability of people and organisations.

Work and health: healthy, safe and productive working
The world of work is changing rapidly due to globalisation, an aging population, and technology. A high-quality labour force is essential if the Netherlands wants to remain competitive. How do we ensure that employees remain healthy, safe, and productive?
Our latest developments
12 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5
Prospective Life Cycle Assessments for future-proof product design
TNO bridges policy, science and industry, by developing insightful prospective Life Cycle Assessments (LCA’s).

Knowledge advantage in SSbD offers opportunities for Dutch chemical companies

SSbD presents significant opportunities for the Dutch chemical sector to maintain its leadership position

BASF and TNO collaborate on Decision Support for Safe and Sustainable by Design

Safe and sustainable chemicals drive business opportunities and societal transitions