Labour market innovation: towards the labour market of the future
The labour market in the Netherlands is facing challenges. We are dealing with staff shortages, an ageing working population and declining labour productivity. TNO aims to address these issues through projects that build a flexible and innovative labour market system. One that’s ready for the challenges and opportunities of the future. In this way, we contribute to a sustainable and resilient labour market and society where the potential of every individual is harnessed to enhance collective prosperity and well-being.
What are we working on?
Within Labour Market Innovation, we are working on the labour market of the future. A labour market in which the available labour potential is better utalised and talents and skills of individuals are fully realised. A labour market where people engage in lifelong learning and technological and social innovations are rapidly adopted. Achieving a better functioning labour market system requires an integrated perspective on working, learning, and innovation. We approach this through various sub-themes.
A skills-based labour market and universal skills language
At TNO, we advocate that the labour market of the future should focus on skills rather than diplomas. The development of skills and matching of people and work must become key. Therefore we are working on the objectification of skills in a unified skills language and the rolling out of this approach. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, we are working with the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB, and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) to develop a national skills language: CompetentNL.
This publicly accessible skills language will enable workers and employers to connect based on recognised skills, making it clear what skills a job requires. This helps to reduce structural mismatches in skills and promote transitioning between sectors and professions. Listen to this podcast to find out what needs happen for the labour market to become resilient and future-proof.
Future-proof people and organisations
TNO aims to enhance the adaptability of people and organisations. We focus on upskilling and reskilling for new technology and the learning culture and self-direction in organisations. This supports individuals and organisations in proactively respond to changing labour situations. For example, with Tasks of the Future (Taken van de Toekomst) we help workers prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. Additionally, we employ various tools to strengthen the learning culture within organisations and promote self-management. Finally, the TNO Sustainable Employability Index (DIX)measures the sustainable employability of employees within organisations.
Regional ecosystems
TNO also contributes to creating, maintaining and sustaining of powerful regional ecosystems that accelerate skills development and innovation adoption in respect of key societal challenges. We bring together the worlds of work, learning, and innovation so that SMEs and other companies, clients/consumers, educational institutions, knowledge partners, and other parties to learn together and connect technological and social innovation. Amongst other things, we have used this approach to accelerate skills development and innovation adoption in the design, construction, and engineering sectors.
Richer policy approaches in the labour market
The behaviour of various parties in the labour market, and the collective outcomes thereof, are not solely driven by rational considerations. The reality is much more complex. By addressing this complexity, were not only supply and demand determine outcomes, we can better achieve problem analyses and policy solutions. Transitioning to such a policy approach requires significant effort.
Want to know more about the potential a richer policy theory could have to offer?
Read this article by our researcher Ronald Dekker.
Will you join us?
To achieve a future-proof labour market requires cooperation and coordinated action from all parties that are active in the labour market. We are eager to tackle this challenge together. Would you like to help shape the transition in the labour market? Please get in touch!