TNO and Fraunhofer intensify their cooperation

Digital society
Sustainable society
Healthy society
Safe society
21 January 2021

The Dutch and German economies and society are closely intertwined. We therefore both face the same major societal challenges. For this reason, TNO and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have decided to further expand and deepen their existing collaboration in the field of applied science and R&D.

In the margins of the signing of the German-Dutch Innovation Pact, the chairmen of TNO and Fraunhofer, at a distance, signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

Intelligent energy networks and reliable AI

The MoU, reinforced by the Innovation Pact, intensifies collaboration for joint research and innovation activities in areas of mutual interest. Two first research themes have been identified for the intensified joint collaboration, both of which play a major role in the Netherlands, Germany and Europe: Intelligent energy networks and reliable artificial intelligence.

The MoU aims at more topics in the future where knowledge, ideas and employees will be exchanged. The topics accelerate and strengthen applied research in both countries and strengthen research into societal challenges and thus create opportunities for both Dutch and German companies in applying the results.

Intensive cross-border cooperation

Paul de Krom, CEO of TNO at the digital signing ceremony: “I passionately believe in cross-border cooperation. Because societal challenges do not stop at our borders. These can only be tackled effectively through intensive cross-border cooperation. Not as a luxury, but as a necessity. Not by postponing until tomorrow, but by starting today.”

Professor Reimund Neugebauer, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: “Fraunhofer and TNO want to extend their partnership by signing this MoU. This will not only create more research results, the intensified cooperation will for sure deliver cutting-edge solutions for our innovation systems - e.g. in the fields of mobility, smart industry, and secure information technologies.”

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